Welcome to the blog of a teen and her life with 9 dogs!
These ramblings are best read with a hot cuppa' coffee in your hand and warm slippers on your feet.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another one bites the dust...

Our racing schedule just keeps getting shorter and shorter. Another race has been cancelled today with no reschedule date.

Only 5 races are left and who knows what's in store. The clouds may let loose with everything they've been holding out on us or we may have no racing season at all.
Who knows.
In the meantime I have been taking advantage of the warm weather (45 degrees F in January?! Wait, is it April? I can't remember...) and getting a head start on spring cleaning the kennel. There's not much more to do for a musher when there is no snow in January (April?)!

On the sunny side of things, a surprise is brewing for the Small 'N' Mighty racing dogs.
Stay tuned to find out what it is!

Peace, Love, Sled Dogs

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