Welcome to the blog of a teen and her life with 9 dogs!
These ramblings are best read with a hot cuppa' coffee in your hand and warm slippers on your feet.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fall Training Begins...

Ahhhhhhh yes, it is that time of the year again! Time for lower temps, falling leaves, shorter days, white knuckle rides on the bike with the dogs that usually come with crashes, blood, and bruises.
Yes, my friends, it is fall.
We've already gone on one training run (which went so smoothly I began to wonder if I had dreamed it.) and we can't wait for more!

The first run, like I said, was absolutely flawless. I took out 3 teams of 2 with the bike and everyone ran perfectly. We ran at 6am to catch the cold temps (which were still a bit warm so we ran short and slow). I don't know if my neighbors agree but it sure was nice to hear the dogs scream in anticipation of the first run of the season. I miss that sound during the summer. :P

I have high hopes for this racing season so we will have to work hard this fall! Speaking of that ....I think its time to go run dogs!

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